Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Warm Winter Coat

I had a shoot with S_Olivia at the weekend, and when she arrived she was wearing her new winter coat, which she absolutely adores. I decided that this should be the main interest of the first part of our shoot.

Another item of new clothing that she brought also had to be used for some of the shots, a rather fetching denim waistcoat.

Other shots included some fetish items as well as some nudity.

Check out my web site and my Purple Port portfolio

Friday, 13 January 2012

Artemis Fauna

This week I had the opportunity of working with ArtemisFauna for the first time. She had posted a ‘Casting’ on Purple Port, which I replied to, and we arranged a two-hour shoot in her home studio. 

I arrived with a few minutes to spare and started the long climb to the studio, which was three floors up on a Victorian house, not too easy for me with my arthritic joints! The studio was small but functional with good daylight and plenty of studio lights if required.

After a chat and a cup of coffee, we got down to work and started off with some nudes next to the widow to make the most of the available daylight that gave a really great quality to the resulting images. This was followed by some dance themed shots, which were initially nude with ballet shoes and followed with her wearing a long white skirt.

The next set was done under studio lighting conditions, more shots were taken with the skirt, the lighting coming via a long soft box, followed by a portrait set lit with a beauty dish fitted with a honeycomb grid.

 All in all, a good shoot with plenty of images for me to work with, and I hope to work with Artemis again.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Body Paint

My first shoot of 2012 was a first for me; it was a body-painting shoot, where a make-up artist, Jon Wilks, had made arrangements to do a body painting session with model S_Olivia and I would photograph the results.

I picked Jon up from Swindon rail station and brought him back to my place, collecting our model en-route, and after a round of introductory discussions, he got down to the task of doing his artwork on the models body. We were working to a theme of Wood Nymph, the artwork took on an insect form and utilised S_Olivia’s favourite colour.

By the time the artistry was completed, the light levels were getting quite low, and not wishing to use a flash to light the scene, I set the camera’s ISO to 3200 and accepted that the final images would look grainy. Part way through the photographic part we had to take a break when Harvey, next door’s Bearded Collie, took an interest in what we were doing and started to bark loudly and tried to get over the fence, which meant his owners had to come down and remove him from the scene. This meant that S_Olivia had to cover up to avoid any embarrassment, and brought her newly purchased dressing gown into use.